Any person may get cheated while buying a product or service. A Good Consumer Court Lawyer Near me in Chennai will get them justice if that happens. In fact, Our Law firm Lawyers in Chennai will help you, If there is any dispute that arises in that regard. Contact for Senior Consumer Court Lawyers’ fees instantly.
Consumer Association of India
Where will a Common man go get Justice if there is a refusal? The Consumer Association of India has taken a concerning notice of the huge backlog. Firstly It is all to solve consumers’ grievances. They are basically at the state and district forums in Tamil Nadu. In fact, R. Desikan is the founder and trustee of CAI – Consumer Association of India. Moreover, He has put on record that the disposal of cases is pathetic at the consumer forums.
What is the Legal Solution for Product or Service Deficiency?
Any person affected by the product or service will have a few questions about legal solutions. They are as follows to summarize.
- How many fees will be charged to file a case in Consumer Court Complaint nevertheless?
- After all How much time will it take to finish a case?
- Is an individual person can file and represent his own Case in court?
- How much money will be received on account of compensation?
Consumer Courts in Chennai
Most of the consumer courts and the district form are struggling to settle cases. Here Completion in the Specified time frame is important. Big applause for this delay. ie., to the insensitivity of the state government.

In this case, no action has yet been taken by the ruling political establishment to fill the vacancies. Consumer Court Chennai comes as no exception as a good 40% of the cases are still lying unheard.
Consumer Protection Act, 1986
The Consumer Protection Act, of 1986 makes few clear mandates. To Clarify, The cases that don’t need any lab test must be settled within 90 days of registration.
Ironically, There is less than 60% of the cases at the district form could only see the light of day. This comes as an eye-opener for all those who vouch for the speed and convenience of the consumer courts.
What is more alarming is that it is the common man who has to suffer for the indecision of the state government. Above all What a waste of such a noble establishment! states the consumers’ rights activists.
Advocates for Consumer Forum

First “Consumer courts” are three-tier judicial arrangements on the district, state and national levels. Search Advocates for Consumer Forum in Chennai. The Aim was to cover the most people with district-wise coverage. It is furthermore to keep them aware of their rights as Common men.
Consumers Rights
A similar study by the Planning Commission reveals about rights of consumers. Only 53.6% of the adult population was aware of the term ‘Consumers Rights‘.
Likewise only a fraction of this population knew about Consumers Forum. This is in spite of the recent promotional input. Finally for example JAGO GRAHAK JAGO like awareness creates a buzz on consumers’ rights.
Fees for Consumer Court Lawyers in Chennai
Anyone can file a Case against a factory or Shop or a Service provider who produces or sells a defective product or services. What will be the Fees for Consumer Court Lawyer Near me in Chennai?
Consult an Attorney for free first and proceed in his directions. Fees for Consumer Court Lawyers near me in Chennai will be around INR15,000 to INR50,000/-. Here you can claim this amount from the other party in order. Top Attorneys will help you claim the remedies for the damages.
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission – NCDRC
The NCDRC (National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission) further explores the issue and reveals it accordingly. Here 1986 cases are still lying pending at the state level. Nearly 5537 cases are lying pending at the district level in Tamil Nadu as on 21st December 2012.
In fact, the commission states that the State Commission runs without a full-time Commissioner. Meanwhile, 7 of the District Forums run without a President.
Yes, 33 seats are lying vacant for members in the entire Tamil Nadu. Of course, this includes Consumer Court Chennai. Most of all, 8 out of 30 District Forums are not functioning at all in the same fashion.
Law Firms in Madras High Court
Indeed the central government has proposed the induction of mediation centres. By all means, This is to assure that the cases settled (Rs 100,000/- compensation) in a fast-track manner.
The Madras High Court has also decided to give priority to cases filed by old people. At least they can sense justice in their lifetime.
In the Lack of proper sensitization of the government surely the process of consumer courts will be the same.
Many Law Firms in Chennai offer good Legal services in the above said matters.
Best Advocates for Consumer Forum in Chennai
The Violation of the law in the selling of Products or services will affect a common man. The buyers of Low-value products are the victims here. One must get in touch with the Best Advocates for Consumer Forum in Chennai to get Compensation or Remedy.
How to find a Vakil or a Legal Adviser in a huge City for a Legal Support? Here you have a good news. Rajendra Law Office Attorneys will help you get the Claims for such disputes.
Contact Advocates in Consumer Court for Claims and Damages

Get in touch with the No.1 Lawyer in Chennai to get justice against the Service & Product violators on a fast-track basis. Contact Top Advocates in Consumer Court for Claims and Damages in Chennai.