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Builder Landlord Undivided share Land dispute

Frequently Asked Legal Questions and AnswersCategory: Builder disputeBuilder Landlord Undivided share Land dispute
Subbarao asked 6 years ago
Builder Landlord Undivided share of Land dispute: I need one clarification ie. Our builder has an Agreement with the landlord for the development of his site. Need Legal Advice on Terrace right for Landlord. In the agreement, it says that” the “Terrace is exclusively for the landlord.Builder Landlord Undivided share of Land dispute: I need one clarification ie. Our builder has Agreement with land lord for the development of his site. Need advice on Terrace right for Landlord. In the agreement it was mentioned that” the “Terrace is exclusively for the landlord. Legal doubt of Builder Landlord Undivided share of Land dispute | Best advice and Consultation. Top 3 Lawyers at the best Law firms in India Legal doubt of Builder Landlord Undivided share of Land dispute | Best Civil Attorney Advice and Senior Lawyers Consultation. Top 3 Criminal Lawyers at the best Corporate Law firms in IndiaBuilder Landlord Undivided share of Land dispute: I need one clarification ie. Our builder has an Agreement with the landlord for the development of his site. Need advice on Terrace right for Landlord. In the agreement, it was mentioned that” the “Terrace is exclusively for the landlord.

Common area - Builder Landlord Undivided share of Land dispute

Whereas the Terrace is a common area as per the AP Apartment Act 1987. Moreover, My doubt is Can they violate the act and write agreements against such an act? In fact, The agreement is registered and both the builder and landlord are not allowing us onto the terrace. The second clause in the agreement is that the landlord can have One more floor in case the authorities increase the floor space. Permission for further construction

AP Apartment Act

The point here is we all purchased three years back and the agreement is there for five years. Whether the agreement is valid or the AP Apartment Act in Builder Landlord Matter. Can we object to him for further construction as we are also part owners of land ie. our undivided share of land? In my opinion, he is no more a landlord and only owner for his undivided share just like us. ThanksPopular Questions: There are a number of legal services that can be used in order to help with a UDS land dispute. These services include legal advice, mediation, and representation in court. It is important to seek out the help of a lawyer if there is any disagreement or dispute over the terms of the lease agreement between the landlord and tenant. A lawyer can help negotiate a settlement or take the case to court if necessary.
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