This is to inform you that I have continued to face criminal harassment at work at a company in India. India using ‘copy-paste’ allegations. I sincerely request a sense of urgency on this case matter from your side.I want to share with you that they are possibly hiding crucial remote desktop monitoring clips from the month of May 2017. These clips would establish in a crystal clear way how and with what level of integrity. I developed the very first interface in that project which formed the base for all subsequent work in that project.
Legal doubt of Criminal harassment at work at a company in India. Best advice & Consultation, Top Lawyers in Chennai from Rajendra Law office | Leading Law Firms | Best Legal Services 24x7Firstly, This vested interest group is actively aided and protected by many different layers inside the company. And two different political entities in India. The US hence they have no absolute fear of indulging in this Criminal harassment. Some Company associates in India are involved in criminal wrongdoing in this matter.Ask your Question for a Legal Consultation:
Request your urgent attention and advice on this Criminal harassment matter.

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