Unable to pay due to job shift. I\'m undergoing severe depression due to the Education loan issue. I am holding an education loan from Indian Overseas Bank in 2015. I am going into depression for the last few months and I\'m unable to pay the loan interest regularly. I am seeking legal help to stop these EMI\'s and send a legal notice to banks. Can you please suggest how can I come out of this situation? I have been paying regularly next month itself without late payments and bounces. They told me to visit my house on even Sunday, Continually they called me even on Sundays. . I told them my situation is not fair and I will pay the next month but still, they call me. Can you please help me to resolve the Education loan issue? Ask your legal doubt about the Education loan issue in Indian Overseas Bank | Get the best advice and Consultation. Top Lawyers in Chennai, best Law firms in IndiaPopular Questions:
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