Grand father property dispute: My grandfather died before 20 years, he had built a big house. In fact, My grandmother has also expired. My father expired recently. I have an issue with regards to Property
We are three brothers, Recently my elder brother showed me a bond paper stating that the whole property has been registered under him and myself and my younger brother have no rights on it.

How solve Grand father property dispute?

Is the correct as per law ? Is there a way to legally fight for my share and my younger brother's share. ?

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Dear Mr Thomas Mohan Raj,
Just get the copies of that documents and let us verify whether it is transferred as per law by your grandfather as per law.If it is not done you can challenge it court of law.Advocate Saravvanan Rajendran
Madras High Court
Chennai - Tamil NaduAsk your Questions for a Legal Advice:
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