I need a Legal Help regarding my Grandmother name in Legal Heir Certificate. My family details are as as follows.
We are a family of 4 people. Me (married), my father, my mother, my sister (married)
My father has three sisters and two brothers. Firstly, My father passed away last year. Secondly, My grandfather passed away 30 years back and my grandmother passed away 18 years back.
Ask your legal doubt of Grandmother name in legal heir certificate | Advice and Consultation. Top Lawyers in Chennai, best Law firms in IndiaCurrently there is a property which is in my father\'s name (after it was divided among his sister and brothers).
I applied for a legal heir certificate (legal heir of my father) for us with my name, mother's name and my sister\'s name. In that process, they are asking to add my grandmother\'s name as not alive.
My question is if I add my grand mother's name even though she is not alive, is my grand mother\'s children i.e. my father\'s brothers and sisters have any share on the property which is in my father\'s name.
Do I need to compulsorily add my grand mother\'s name.Popular Questions:Recovery of investments made in ADVENTURE PLANTATION LTDMentally Unstable WifeTenancy Problem

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