I am writing to seek clarification and legal advice on an important matter concerning maintenance obligations after divorce. I am an Incapable Husband currently residing in Chrompet.
The issue at hand pertains to whether a husband is legally obligated to provide maintenance to his wife and son after divorce, even if he is incapable of doing so. Allow me to provide some relevant statements and background information:

- Duration of Marriage and Child: Firstly, I have been married for 8 years and have a male child from the marriage.
- Current Living Arrangements: Secondly, My wife and son are currently residing in my father-in-law's house.
- Initiation of Divorce Proceedings: Thirdly, I have initiated divorce proceedings against my wife.
- Financial Situation: I am a psychiatric patient and do not have a job. Currently, my financial support comes from my mother and brother. Due to my circumstances, I have no means of paying maintenance if required.
- Inheritance Rights: I am the legal heir to a 1/3rd part of my late father's assets.
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