Land issue by my father's brother: I have a 4 sisters. My father Expired. Firstly, My father's last brother mariappan is making lot of issues for the past 35years. My father's 2 other brothers living near my house. My house is in the middle of the land (center). Others 2 brothers houses are in roadside frontage. That's my problem, our house is the backside of the land. I face Path Way problems, drainage problem also. They are blocking the pathway. 3 feet is the common passage pathway but they are not allowing even a single feet. They are not allowing the allowing the drainage pipe too. But My father's brother Mariappan encroached 2 feet inside our land and constructed his house. His house's drainage pipe & Windows are also passing through my land but he's not allowed my home pipe.
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Ask your Questions for Legal Consultation: have given a Criminal complaint in local police station but there is no use. My family living is very hard to run without these facilities. Please provide a legal help.

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