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Marriage disputes legal service

Yugal Gopal asked 6 years ago
This matter pertains to my daughter is 40 years old married in Amritsar in 2003 the marriage was registered in Amritsar her in laws & younger brother staying in Amritsar after marriage she was staying in Bombay last 16 yrs till date as her husband stays in Bombay he has his flat & business office in Bombay. Shes has been a victim to domestic abuse by husband & in laws & brother in law right from the time she got married & never had peace in mind as a result of abusive husband & in laws. Her mother in in law was a dominant force in house controlling all the people at home in creating nuisance for her in her day to day life. Her mother in laws interference was so much that she used to tell her son not to be physical with her deprive her of sex & leave her at lurch. She had been fighting her battle a long facing their abuses & finally got into stage of depression after which she had a neighbor living next door whom she shared her problems with. The neighbor & she exchanged lot of msgs on whats app which were pornographic in nature. She used to go out in public places meet at coffees & movies.She was secondly involved with ex fiancee from Delhi with who she & her ex fiancee exchanged lot of msgs on whats app & pornographic conversations & finally meet twice in hotel room in Bombay got physically involved & later discussed their intimate moments on whats app thru which they conversed & admitted they had sex in conversations in whats app. Thirdly she was involved with person in Bombay went twice with him to goa once with her child & once with out her child in Nov 18 this guy promised to get married to her but they discussed lot of personal stuff on phone whats app conversations. Her husband has full record of her whats app conversations with 3 men & entire details of her mail which he has preserved as record & filled a petition mentioning all details summoning my daughter along with these 3 men involved to appear in Amritsar family court. My son in law has further filed a FIR against my daughter & 3 men claiming that if anything happens to him my daughter 3 men will be responsible. He has also installed CCTV cameras at home. Now hes persuading my daughter to appear in family court to admit all her doings without opposing or confronting the misdeeds done by him & his family based on condition he will withdraw the divorce case & will give her chance to reconcile & relive together. My daughter wants to be with him as she has 11 yrs old son.Kindly advice what should be done as v fear our son in law as hes ruthless man & not person of words hes says some thing & does something else. How strong her case is & whether or not will she get divorce because of proofs against her whats app records phone conversations mail detail hold in court as evidence against her is or is she not entitled for alimony & maintenance of her child whether or not she will get custody of her son. Her husband approached family court seeking divorce & custody of son. Please advice sir if she admits in court what are consequences & how strong or weak her case stands.Ask your Questions for Legal Consultation:https://lawyerchennai.com/consult-an-advocate/
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