This is Regarding the Non-Repayment Of Education Loan. I have taken an Rs.2,50,000 EDUCATION LOAN for the years 2009-13. Moreover, I didn't repay the loan after that because I didn't have enough salary to repay it until now. I agreed and tried to take advantage of the bank's concession of Rs.1,50,000, but due to the pandemic, I was unable to pay that amount. They called me, but I felt guilty and didn\'t pick up the phone.
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After calculating the interest for all these years, the bank has sent me a letter demanding that I pay around Rs.6,00,000; if I do not, they will publish my name and photo in the newspaper. My total annual salary is Rs.2,00,000, but I don\'t know how I\'ll be able to pay the entire amount. Can the bank publish the borrower's name and photo in the newspaper during the Non-Repayment of the education loan? , will it have an impact on my career as I try to switch companies or pursue other opportunities in the future?Popular Questions: the bank publish the borrower's name and photo in the newspaper during the Non-Repayment of the education loan?
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