Property settlement within family: I have been adopted and raised by Periamma. But not legally registered as an adopted son. However all my documents and certificates have parents name as my adopted parents. In fact, They do not have any property to write any will because of the medical expenses. Moreover, We spent all money in the surgery.
Ask your legal doubt of Property settlement within family | Legal advice and Consultation. Top Lawyers in Chennai, best Law firms in India | Best Legal Services 24x7Now coming to the point, My maternal parents have two houses. Among those, they wanted to write one house in my name and the other they wanted to share with my two sisters. Kindly guide how to do this. Is will document suffice or can it be challenged by my sisters on a later date as I do not have any proof of my maternal parents in my name/ documents.I do not want to spend on registration charges for taking my parents' property. Can a gift deed be written by my parents for that property. So kindly suggest a solution in which I can achieve a solution within less budget/ expenditure. Can you help in Property settlement within family?

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