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Publisher has published my books without my knowledge and is not paying me even after 5 years

Frequently Asked Legal Questions and AnswersCategory: BusinessPublisher has published my books without my knowledge and is not paying me even after 5 years
Ramesh Ramanan asked 6 years ago
A publisher, in Chennai. Tamil Nadu, has published my books without my permission or knowledge and has not paid me anything I would like to force him to pay me a reasonable compensation. I am taking care of my aged mother and sick younger brother in Bangalore and the publisher is located in Chennai, so I will not be able to visit Chennai more than twice or thrice in this case. I would prefer to have two or three hearings and judgment delivered quickly without the need for more than three hearings. in the first hearing itself.The publisher has published my books on amazon.in without my permission and knowledge in 2014 and has not paid me a single penny till now. I discovered it recently in 2019 and found that the books in question carry my name and my father's photo inside in the dedication. I want to force the publisher to pay me a reasonable compensation. In other words, I have not signed any contract or any other agreement with the publisher till now.I had translated three books from Sanskrit into English and Tamil and had given the digital files to a publisher in Chennai in March 2019. The publisher has printed 1000 copies of each of the books in April 2014 and sold on Amazon. (one book priced at Rs 50 and the other two by the same author combined as one at Rs 40. Amazon.in executives are not willing to give me the number of copies sold for each of the books on their website) after lying repeatedly over 20 phone calls made between April to December 2014 that he had no plans to publish the books.Now, after I had found out this in April 2019 through google search, he has rejected my demand for rs 15000 as compensation. He has put my name on the cover and my late father's photograph on the dedication page of each of the books. My name appears on the inside page of the books followed by the publishing company's logo. I have the copies of the books and the March 2014 proof copies of the books with my name and logo of the publisher on the proof copies. The publisher must have sold at least 800 copies o the first book at Rs 50 each and 800 copies of the other book at Rs 40 each.Despite frequent emails to customer support at amazon.in, informing them about all the facts with the attached snapshots of the proof copies of the cover pages of my books, and so-called assurances that my problems would be resolved, the executives at amazon.in have not done anything tangible till now. I have also cursed them to suffer all the cancers, which the world has ever known and will ever know in the future because I have not received any payment till now, while they collect their ill-gotten commissions from the publisher for the sale of books on their website.I have repeatedly urged amazon.in authorities through email to cease selling the books on their website, blacklist and ban the publisher from their website forever and send me the notification of the black-list and ban notice so that I can upload them on all other online websites, to prevent the publisher from selling their books online on any other website. By the way, I have not received any tangible replies to these emails, though I initially received so-called emails assuring me of help in resolving the problems.These are the only pieces of documentation, which I have. I have not taken any action so far. I would want a good lawyer to suggest the steps to be taken so that I would have an idea of how to proceed to collect a reasonable compensation from the publisher. In fact, I am not rich and cannot afford to pay heavy fees to lawyers, and have been currently unemployed for the past six years. I can be contacted at my email address ramesh.ramanan64@yahoo.com
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