The client has a 2 Acres of Punjai property, where he has been staying with his family for the past 15 years. Firstly, The property is parallel to the Temple's land and he has been using the temple property to reach his land for the past 15 years. But now for the past 8 months, the temple property people have been obstructing his use and causing difficulties to the client. Moreover, The client does not have any document as proof of his property.
Q & A for Punjai property Easement Issue
How to get a road to reach his property?
Ans: Firstly, He has to create an address to his property and change the proofs to the new address. And then send representation to the appropriate authorities to acquire the road access. In other words, The Client's maternal grandfather had settled his self acquired property to his children, except one of his sons. And there are also other ancestral properties which have not yet been settled. Now the uncle has filed suit for partition. The settlement property of his mother is also included in the suit.How to remove the client\'s mother's property from the suit?
Ans: We need to refer the petitions to give an answer and it will take time. In any case, The other property of the client has been encroached by his neighbour.What can be done to remove the encroachment?
Ans: Suit has to be filed separately.Read More
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