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Software company in residential area

Frequently Asked Legal Questions and AnswersCategory: BusinessSoftware company in residential area
Yogesh asked 6 years ago
My house is located in residential area. To start a software company in my own house. We are planning to start a software company in my own house with 20 employees. A IT company in that residential area is possible? Some law says that if, no physical labor involved, if there is no exchange of goods, then it is not commercial. Like yoga center, advocate office, clinic, etc which are  based on 'mental exercise'. Does IT development company comes under that category? Thank you so much in advance for your advice. What is the procedure to legally solve this "commercial office in residential area" problem?My house is located in residential area. To start a software company in my own house. We are planning to start a software company in my own house with 20 employees. A IT company in that residential area is possible? Some law says that if, no physical labor involved, if there is no exchange of goods, then it is not commercial. Like yoga center, advocate office, clinic, etc which are  based on 'mental exercise'. Does IT development company comes under that category? Thank you so much in advance for your advice. What is the procedure to legally solve this "commercial office in residential area" problem?Popular Question:https://lawyerchennai.com/legal-consultation/mental-abuse-after-marriage-by-husband-and-in-laws/https://lawyerchennai.com/legal-consultation/family/https://lawyerchennai.com/legal-consultation/family-matters/  
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