kindly shed some light on the position of law with respect to striking off and dissolving of the company by ROC. The background of the case is that company X files CMP before the High Court. They are seeking the appointment of an arbitrator against company Y. As of the date of filing of the CMP petition Company X is struck off and dissolved. Of course, This fact is not pleaded by company X and they hide this fact.
Striking off and dissolving of the company by ROC: What is the Position of law? | Top Criminal Lawyers in Chennai | Leading Law Firms | Best Legal Services 24x7 | Get the best advice and Consultation | Best Rated 10 Lawyers in Chennai India
Striking off and dissolving by ROC
CMP was allowed and an arbitrator was appointed. It is during the pendency of the arbitration case Company Y finds out that Company X is struck off and dissolved by ROC. Now what is the remedy available to company Y? IS the arbitration case maintainable? Kindly advise.
Authorised representative to file the arbitration case
Also, Company X is dissolved much before the arbitration case. What happens to the Authorization letter given to the authorised rep to file the arbitration case when the authorisation letter was issued before the company was struck off (Striking off) and dissolved? Will it still hold well?Company X has filed this arbitration case for recovery of money from company Y without pleading about the strike off and dissolution of company X. In such a case is company X entitled to the relief claimed?Popular Questions:- Cheating 1 lakh by Property agreement
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