I am an Indian-born Canadian citizen holding Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) registration with the Government of India.
Legal doubt of Transfer of Land Patta in my name alone (Post Divorce) with POA from spouse and get the best advice and Consultation from Top LawyersPopular Questions:https://lawyerchennai.com/legal-consultation/need-housing-plan-approval-by-cmda/https://lawyerchennai.com/legal-consultation/mental-abuse-after-marriage-by-husband-and-in-laws/https://lawyerchennai.com/legal-consultation/increment-salary-issue-office/Blessings
Issue regarding land patta
Moreover, I have an issue regarding land patta in Tamilnadu for which I seek your initial free consultation with a view to using your legal services if you are able to get the job in progress legally to my satisfaction and in my interest.I have four agricultural lands in Tamil Nadu i.e. one in Hosur, one in Mettupalayam and two in Kodai Kanal. I Bought these plots jointly with my wife in the year 1996 when I was Indian citizen working in the United Arab Emirates. Now I am a Canadian Citizen having registration with Govt. of India being overseas citizen of India (OCI).Divorce order of Superior Court of India
I divorced my wife in the year 2005 in Canada. As per the Separation Agreement signed by my wife and myself & the divorce order registered with Superior Court of India, my wife was declared in contempt of court and all Indian properties were ordered to be in my name alone. My wife therefore in 2004 granted to me a Special Durable Power of Attorney, duly notarized, authenticated by the Ministry of Cabinet in Toronto and also authenticated by the Consulate General of India in Toronto, in Canada in 2005, The Power of attorney following the issuance of court divorce decree and court order in Toronto, Canada, allows me to transfer Pattas of all lands in my name.This Special & Durable Power of Attorney was adjudicated in the sub-registrar's office in Krishnagiri District of Tamilnadu in 2005 within thirty days from the date of issuance by my wife and therefore has legally been charged in India. The Power of Attorney therefore hold good even now and till I survive in order to affect transfer of her part of patta in my name and thus obtaining pattas of all four lands in my name alone.I am therefore contemplating engaging services of an expert attorney dealing with this kind of legal issues to mutate her name in all pattas and obtain the final pattas in my name alone.If you in your honored opinion are able to do this job for the four land pattas, obtain all receipts for payments to the government departments and charge me a reasonable fee to do this job, let me know. I will then let you have all the relevant documents to being your job.Once you peruse the documents needed, let me have your official quote inclusive of government fees and your professional fees with terms of payments so that I can go ahead with payments as required.
Power of Attorney with proper legal and attestation of the Indian Consulate in Toronto
At the end I wish to let you know that currently I do not know whereabouts of my ex-wife since I received the POA from her and I am in no way able to get any more documents from her. All I have is her Power of Attorney with proper legal and attestation of the Indian Consulate in Toronto.The identification documents I can furnish to you are my Canadian Passport, Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) registration and PAN Card.If you can do this job within a time-frame, I am ready to come down to India and remain in Tamilnadu with my presence. I therefore need a commitment, time-bound an definite assurance from you.I look forward to hearing from you.
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