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Unpaid leaves continuing maternity leave during the Covid India

Frequently Asked Legal Questions and AnswersCategory: OthersUnpaid leaves continuing maternity leave during the Covid India
Vaishnavi asked 5 years ago
Unpaid leaves continuing maternity leave during the Covid India: I am an IT employee working for the past 7 years in the same company. And I am on maternity leave till June 7, 2020. We are nuclear family and we don't have anyone to care for  the baby. I wanted to take three months of unpaid leave and then join my baby in a daycare. But currently due to covid  day area doesn't operate and it is also not safe.As per govt amendment, women can take 1/4 of her service time as unpaid leave following maternity leave. But my company refuses to provide me leave. They are implying to work fo rone month woke from home and join company since 50% of employees can start working later on. During covid tat too for a women who depends on daycare why I am refused for unpaid leave for minimum three months and work from. Home till nationwide corono will go away.[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="1200"]Ask legal doubt: Unpaid leaves continuing maternity leave during the Covid India Best Advice & Consultation. Top 10 Rated Lawyers in Chennai Law firms Ask legal doubt: Unpaid leaves continuing maternity leave during the Covid India Best Advice & Consultation. Top 10 Rated Lawyers in Chennai Law firms[/caption]How they can expect a new mom who doesn't have any support to work immediately having an infant. Is there any way to deal with this issuePopular Questions:https://lawyerchennai.com/legal-consultation/service-matter-issue-for-government-school-teacher/https://lawyerchennai.com/legal-consultation/legal-counsel/https://lawyerchennai.com/legal-consultation/divorce-case-advice-abroad/
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