What is the procedure to file a Muslim divorce? How to get a Divorce in Muslim Law in Chennai? Find the Best Rated Muslim Divorce Lawyers in India. Rajendra Law Office is one of the Muslim Matrimonial Litigation Law Firms in Chennai Tamil Nadu.
The process to Filing a Muslim Divorce in Chennai India
What is the procedure to file a Muslim divorce in Chennai, India? As a Muslim family living in India, it is important to know how to do this. It is important because in many cases, people are unaware that this type of divorce you can file. And how to do it.

State the date that the marriage ends
When filing for a Muslim divorce in Chennai, there are certain things you will need to have. These include an original, signed contract with the husband, wife, or child. The contract is a legal document, which must include all of the grounds for the divorce. It must also state the date that the marriage ends firstly. Then, how the contract is live when the contract is to be readable to the other party. And any other important information about the contract.
Legal documents that pertain to the Muslim Marriage
In addition to the contract, there should also have copies of some documents. Those are that you sign during the time of the marriage. These include any Marriage Certificate (Jamat), birth certificates, and death certificates. Also any other types of legal documents that pertain to the marriage. It is also important to have copies of the financial statements that exist at the time of marriage. Choose the Best Advocate for Muslim divorce to get the information of these.
Muslim marriage registration within India
This may be hard to get a hold of if the marriage was outside India. But you should know that if you were marriage registration was within India and living there for some time. You will most likely have a copy of your financial statement. Make sure that you bring these with you. Of course, they will help prove the fact that the marriage was not legally recognized in India.

There are several different ways you can go about filing a Muslim divorce in Chennai. Of Course, You may want to file for a Hindu divorce if the other party is Hindu. Meanwhile, you must file for a Muslim divorce if the other party is Islam.
Hire a Muslim Divorce Attorney
The first way to file a Muslim divorce in Chennai is to use the Munsiff courts, and this may be a good option for you if you cannot find a Muslim Divorce Lawyer to represent you on your behalf. However, sometimes the Munsiff court Advocates will not able to handle such cases, so you may need to hire a Islam Divorce Attorney to represent you in the case.
If you want to file a Hindu divorce, you will have to first determine which religion you are going to marry in India. Then, you will need to file a divorce petition from the Hindu religion, and then from the Islam religion. Moreover, This will be done in the Munsiff Court or a Family Court. In most cases, the Munsiff Court will be able to handle these matters.
Local laws and Procedures of Muslim divorces
If you are thinking of filing for a Muslim divorce, you will need to find out which form of Islam is being practiced in the area where you are filing for the divorce. In fact, You may need to go to a local mosque and speak to someone who is familiar with the local laws and procedures regarding divorces, or you may want to visit your local Islamic book store and speak to someone who is more familiar with these things. Once you have found a source of information, you may be able to file the petition from this source.

‘Hearing or Mediation’ at the Local Munsiff court
Finally, once you have filed the petition for divorce, you will need to wait for the judge to grant or refuse the divorce. On the other hand, If you choose to file for a Muslim divorce, you will have two months, or more, to get a hearing date, which is called a ‘Hearing or Mediation‘ at the Local Munsiff court. Once you get the date, you should give them a copy of the petition, as well as a copy of any supporting documents. Most of all, These documents will include the contract, any copies of the relevant documents, any financial documents, and copies of any other important documents that pertain to the Muslim divorce case.
Contact Top Muslim Divorce Lawyers
Call or WhatsApp or Imo: +91-9994287060 to get a Instant Legal consultation from an Expert Muslim Divorce Lawyer in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India