ADVOCATES FOR RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS (PREVENTION OF MISUSE) ACT IN CHENNAI. Mainly, Religious organizations play important role in the social and legal landscape of a society.
Firstly, a Religious institution is an organization that promotes any religion or persuasion. In fact, It includes any premises used for public religious worship. It can have any name or designation in the first place.
Leading Law Firm for Hindu Religious Institution Litigation

Rajendra Law Office is a leading law firm for Religious institutions litigation in Madras high court, Tamil Nadu as a matter of fact. Apart from these Top Lawyers in Chennai offer all in all legal support for Religious litigation for Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism.
Search the Best Lawyer for Religious institutions in Chennai in like manner
Advocates for Muslim / Islamic Religious Institution
In addition, Find the Best Advocates for Muslim / Islamic Religious institutions in Chennai. Moreover, Rajendra Law Office Lawyers are expert in Muslim / Islamic Religious Institution Litigation in India.
Advocates for Christian Religious Institution Litigation in India
Find Top Advocates for Christian Religious Institution in Chennai in the same fashion. Rajendra Law Office attorneys have good experience in Christian Religious Institution Litigation in India in the same way. In other words, Roman Catholic, CSI, Protestant, and Pentecostal are major inner divisions in Christianity in India
Religious Institutions and Organisation purposes
Religious Institution (Prevention of Misuse) Act came into force in 1988. Meanwhile, It applies to whole of India except Jammu and Kashmir.
Firstly, It is an ordinance to stop religious organization exploitation for political / other purposes.
Secondly, Any religious institution should not use building for advertise political activity / accused.
Thirdly, It’s not allowed for storing arms or ammunition or keep goods that are illegal. Call Top Civil Advocates for such litigation in Chennai.
Finally, It is illegal to carry arms or ammunition in religious places. There is exception only in Sikh religion wearing Kirpan or any other religious arms . The entry into their religious place it is allowable.

No Religious institution funds are permissible to use for political activity benefit.
No Religious institution funds are permissible to use for political activity benefit. If used it is a punishable offence as per the act.
They cannot use its premises for festival / congregation / assembly in auspicious place.
If they breach these rules, then will be liable for punishment and penalty.
Persons convicted for these offenses get removed & disqualified from all religious organizations. Convicted persons cannot use their powers and forbidden to do their duties by a court.
Employees working in these organizations have to give info to the police. Failure to do so is punishable under IPC. Consult a Civil attorney in Chennai for such issues in India.
Prohibition on certain use of religious institutions
The following are few purposes a religious
institution cannot use the institution for
- For the promotion of any political activity
- To give refuge to any individual convicted or accused
- For storage of arms or ammunition
- To store any goods or materials that are against the law
- To Build construction like basement, towers, or walls to an institution without legal permission
- Caring on any unlawful activity in contravention of any order by the court.
- To commit or promote that leads hatred between different religions, races, or groups
- To carry on any act prejudicial to sovereignty, unity, and integrity of India
- Any action in contravention of Prevention of Insults of National Honor Act
Restriction of arms & ammunition in religious institution
No religious institution can allow entry of arms, ammunition or person having it. This section is not applicable to Sikh religion person wearing and carrying kirpan. And Arms which are part of religious rituals as per custom.
Prohibition on use of funds of religious institutions
No religious institution can use their funds, properties for political party. The properties may belong to the organization or it may be under its control. They cannot use the funds or properties that are punishable as an offence under law.
Prohibition on using religion for propagating political ideas
No religious organization can allow festival or procession under political activity auspices.
Penalties & Disqualification of persons of religious institutions
The person related to such offence is punishable with imprisonment up to 5 years and with a fine up to INR 10,000
Any religious institution employee upon conviction stands removed from office or post. He gets disqualified for employment here for 6 years. It is effective from the conviction date.
Court restrains accused persons from exercising his office powers or duties during trial.
The religious organization can fill in vacancies arising out of the removal of any employee as per law in this case. With this in mind, Find the best Civil Lawyers in Chennai for Religious issues
Persons bound to inform police
Every employee of the religious institution must give information identically to the police about Act violation. Any failure to do so by the manager or employee is punishable under IPC. Civil Lawyers in Chennai help in resolving equally these Cases.
Rajendra Law Office Lawyers legal Services for Religious organizations

Our Expert Lawyers will understand Religious organizations face various legal issues because of their religious nature. However, Our Law firm represents all religious institutions and other faith-based organizations too.
Lawyers for Hindu Religious organizations in Chennai
Furthermore, Do you need Lawyers for Hindu Religious organizations in Chennai ?. Senior attorneys in the Rajendra Law office will assist you in following the Tailor-made legal process.
- Multi-site operations and organization structuring
- Assist in drafting agreements to protect clients from property tax exemptions
- Allocation of risk and responsibilities and assist in religious liberty protection
- Internal dispute and conflict resolution
- Assist in practical legal solutions based on legal constraints & their own organizational needs
- Help clients to develop abuse prevention policies at the same time
- Likewise Offer advice on emergency situations. It can be like employee misconduct and allegations of harm to participants in contrast. We advise on media and disclosure matters and so on
- Advice on employment matters, tax, mandatory reporting, and intellectual property ownership matters.