Restraint of Trade(ROT): Find Top Advocates in Chennai for Restraint of Trade (ROT). Rajendra Law office is one of the Best Law firms to provide legal services for Restraint of Trade (ROT)
What is the Restraint of Trade (ROT) ?.
The goal of every business is to earn income and make a profit in the first place. In fact, Every entrepreneur strives to protect the goodwill and brand of the business.
Employment agreements, Business sale agreements, and partnership agreements
To achieve these objectives entrepreneurs use restraint of trade clauses in various agreements as a matter of fact. It can be employment agreements, business sale agreements, and partnership agreements in the same fashion.
Agreement in restraint of trade
Certain types of agreements are void by law. Some types of agreements are harmful to Society by the same token. Again they are ‘Agreements Opposed to Public Policy’. Moreover, Agreement in restraint of trade is one of them.
Choose the best Lawyer in Chennai for Restraint of Trade (ROT) to make sure of success.
Contact the best lawyer in Chennai for Restraint of Trade (ROT)
Find and Contact the Best Attorney in Chennai for Restraint of Trade (Rot) Matters.
What is an agreement in the Restraint of Trade ?.
They are the agreements that restrict trade, business, or profession, unlike intentional interference. One citizen cannot restrict the lawful business of the other.
Restraint of trade is an act that prevents another party from doing business in a normal way. It involves interfering with another person’s ability to do business without restriction. Restraint of trade is part of antitrust law. The topic covers a wide range of activities, including:
- forcing/coercing someone to quit doing business or to change their business. It’s done to cut him out of the market.
- agreeing to fix prices to drive other competitors out of business;
- creating a monopoly;
- using noncompeting clauses or other contract provisions to keep someone out of business;
- Intentional interference with a contract or business agreement. This may have negative effects on someone else’s ability to do business.
For Example – Two businesses agree to fix prices to put another competitor out of business. It is an illegal restraint of trade.
Other examples include
- Creating a monopoly,
- Coercing another party to stop competing with your business, or
- Unlawful interference with a business deal.
But, not all restraints of trade are unlawful, including non-competition agreements with employees
What is a restraint of trade clauses?
Entrepreneurs use restraint of trade clauses to prevent:
- Use of Trade information for personal use by current/former employees or partners.
- ‘snatching’ existing clients, or
- Competing with the business for a period of time within a specified geographic area.

In a valid ROT clause, the employee may be restrained from taking a certain action. It may include but not limited to the following.
- engaging in the second job with another employer during the term of employment,
- soliciting the company’s clients once employment has ended,
- disclosing confidential information post-employment, and
- Poaching of other employees to work in competition with the employer.
ROT clauses are also used by business buyers. It may be to restrain the seller from starting up a competing business immediately post-sale.
An employment contract will often include a restraint of trade clause. This clause protects the employer’s or the management interests after an employee leaves their business. You can find them in employment contracts of senior and professional employees. And also in business sale agreements.
The main types of restraint of trade clauses are:
- Non-compete clauses: It prevents a person from competing with their former employer for a certain period. It may prevent them from starting their own business, or working for a competing business.
- Non-solicitation clauses: It may prevent a person from soliciting their former employer’s clients for a certain period.
- Non-recruitment clauses: It bars a person from recruiting their former employer’s employees for a certain period.
- Confidentiality clauses: It restricts a person from using their former employer’s confidential information.
To be enforceable, a restraint of trade clause must be reasonable. At this point, It means an employer has to prove a legitimate interest in imposing a restraint. In any case. Restraints have to be under geographical limitations. Usual Time restraints are between three to twelve months. But it can be more too.
How can you use restraint of trade clauses to protect your business?
Some steps you can take to maximize the protection afforded by restraint clauses:
- Ensure employment contracts have restraint clauses. The clauses should be with reasonable time and geographical areas. Protect your genuine business interests with reasonable clauses.
- Regular review of contracts ensures that restraints reflect changes. The changes may be in business activities or employee roles. The agreement can be broken if an employer changes an employee’s duty without his consent.
- When employees resign, ensure that you remind them of their post-employment obligations.
- Ensure that the employment agreement covers confidential information and intellectual property. Make it clear that all confidential and intellectual property belongs to the company. Ensure to have it back.
- You suspect an employee is breaching restraint. Give them notice as soon as possible and seek legal advice.
- Suppose an employee is also an owner or shareholder of the business. Beware the courts may be lenient.
- You suspect that an employee has taken confidential information. You investigate their email account and IT systems. But, be aware that you can only access an employee’s emails if they have consented to access. This consent has to be in the employment contract.
What are the exceptions for the Restraint of Trade?
Circumstances in which agreement in restraint of trade is valid.
- Sale of Goodwill: Indeed a business sells its goodwill. The buyer of goodwill can restrict the seller on a reasonable base from doing the business.
- With retiring Partner: Other existent partners can restrict a retiring partner from carrying on the same business.
- Among Partners: All Partners may agree for restraint of trade. The agreement being no one of them should carry on the same business of their own. The agreement is Valid.
- At the time of dissolution: During the closure of the firm, partners can enter an agreement in restraint of trade. Furthermore, As per the agreement, no one of them should do the same business without prior permission from others.
- Elimination of Competition: An agreement in restraint of trade to cut competition on a reasonable basis is valid.
- Trade Unions: A trade Union, for labor welfare can restrict an enterprise in doing some business to clarify. But Registration of trade unions is a must.
How our Civil lawyer can help with a Restraint of Trade Claim
Our team of Civil lawyers has worked with many entrepreneurs in like manner. They develop accurate, effective, and enforceable restraint of trade clauses above all.
With this in mind, The clauses are for various agreements like employment, partnership, and business sale agreements. These clauses protect our client’s business interests on the other hand.

You have worked hard to get to where you are. In the same way, Don’t let someone else’s unlawful actions sink your business. Have you suffered losses as a result of another party’s restraint of trade?. In detail, do you want to follow a suit? Contact leading civil lawyers in Chennai today.
Who is the best lawyer for Restraint of Trade (ROT) in Chennai ?.
You will be talking to a real expert, local to you. You are not a file number, but a real person to us, a person going through a difficult and stressful experience. Likewise, Get expert advice, not what you want to hear, in a language you can understand, not legal jargon.
Rajendra Law office is one of the leading law firm for disputes to resolve in Restraint of Trade (ROT). Contact our Civil Lawyers for the best results.